

Welcome !

Welcome to our website! Troop 521 meets every Tuesday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia.

We are a large and very active troop with a variety of activities and scheduled monthly outings.  We attribute our success to our active adult leadership, "boy-run troop" philosophy with focus on advancement, merit badges and high adventure activities which keeps our scouts very interested and involved. 

Please contact our Scoutmaster if you would like to join or find out more about us

Disclaimer: Boy Scout Troop 521, Mechanicsvile, Virginia, is solely responsible for the creation and content of this Web Site.  While this site does not reflect the official policy of the Boy Scouts of America, we do support and adhere to their national guidelines referred to by Heart of Virginia Council.  Comments concerning this Web Site can be directed to Webmaster Troop 521

Cub Scout Pack 521 Pinewood Derby

Posted on Jan 18 2011 - 2:56pm

Troop 521 - I wanted to thank Boy Scouts Phillip Sening, Lynn Haworth, Andrew Lambrechts, Graham Roper and Niel Prettyman for helping out in this year's Pinewood Derby.

Winter Camp - January 14 /17 - UPDATE

Posted on Jan 6 2011 - 10:41am

Merit Badge information is here!

Some of the badges are still being confirmed, but attached is the latest that came out last Wednesday as well as the full Leaders guide.

Religous Emblem Programs- " A Scout is Reverent"

Posted on Dec 6 2010 - 4:36pm

At November 30,2010 ways to earn the Roman Catholic and Protestant "Duty to God" series were again discussed at the Troop meeting. We have continually promoted the Religious Emblem program over the past two years in our Troop. Informtaion was presented to the boys so please note in the "Links" section we have posted a a comprehensive list of where Boys and Parents can get information on the various Religious Emblems program listed in the 2010 BSA requirements handbook. In addition you can find a parent letter given out to any Scout interested in learning about their Religous program. In an informal survey we learned we are a diverse group consisting of Protestants and Catholics with a quite a few religious affiliations.


Posted on Dec 30 2009 - 2:17pm

Will Swingle has been elected the 2010 National Vice Chief for the Order of the Arrow. Will’s responsibilities will include traveling around the country representing the OA during the 2010 calendar year as well as siting on the National OA steering committee. He is spending the New Years holiday at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in a planning seminar for 2010.

Scouting Tradition

Posted on Feb 27 2009 - 8:03pm

For every 100 boys who join Scouting:

1- Four will become Eagle Scouts

2- Rarely will any be brought before juvenile court

3- Twelve will have their first contact with a church or synagogue.

"Troop 521 celebrates 75 years in scouting - "The Mechanicsville Local" Article Feb 11,2009

Posted on Feb 17 2009 - 3:42pm

In case you missed the article about our 75th Celebration published in the Mechancsville Local on Feb 11th,2009 in the community section you can view it right here!

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