

Welcome !

Welcome to our website! Troop 521 meets every Tuesday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Cool Spring Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia.

We are a large and very active troop with a variety of activities and scheduled monthly outings.  We attribute our success to our active adult leadership, "boy-run troop" philosophy with focus on advancement, merit badges and high adventure activities which keeps our scouts very interested and involved. 

Please contact our Scoutmaster if you would like to join or find out more about us

Disclaimer: Boy Scout Troop 521, Mechanicsvile, Virginia, is solely responsible for the creation and content of this Web Site.  While this site does not reflect the official policy of the Boy Scouts of America, we do support and adhere to their national guidelines referred to by Heart of Virginia Council.  Comments concerning this Web Site can be directed to Webmaster Troop 521

Week of November 4

Posted on Nov 4 2024 - 12:33am

This Tuesday we will have our normal Tuesday night meeting.

This would normally be holding our Troop committee meeting but with what Mr. Hurd has going on, we don't think he will be able to be there.

This Saturday, November 9th, we will conduct a trash pick up on our 2.9 mile section of Sliding Hill Road. More details will be out at the meeting. As always we will meet behind the Grand Prix Auto Wash in the Atlee Commerce Center. After we pick up trash, we will head to Cool Spring for a quick breakfast and we will hold a merit badge workshop. A list of merit badges will be circulated Tuesday. Scouts should let the Senior Patrol Leader know if there is a badge they may be "itching' to work on and we will see if we can find a counselor for that badge. The stop time will depend on the badge and the counselor.

Week of October 27

Posted on Oct 28 2024 - 2:14am

The Patrols Leaders Council (PLC) will meet at 5:30 this Tuesday. During our regular meeting, we will complete our Troop elections. Congratulations to our new Senior Patrol Leader, Andrew C. We will now look at minor Patrol realignment, as well as Patrol Leader elections. Andrew will be selecting his staff so if you have a desire to be on staff, let him know.

Saturday, November 9th, we will be conducting a roadside trash pick up and a merit badge workshop at Cool Spring. There will be more info coming out after the PLC on these events.

Senior Patrol Leader Election

Posted on Oct 22 2024 - 1:47am

We need your input!

This Tuesday  we will be holding our semi-annual election for Senior Patrol Leader. This is the highest youth office in the Troop. The Senior Patrol leader actually is the scout that runs the Troop (not the adults who advise). Please make every effort to attend this meeting. You will be choosing your leader for the next six months. Next week we will be choosing patrols and electing Patrol Leaders.

The Senior Patrol Leader elections will be in a format similar to what we have done in the past. This includes a presentation (talk) by the the candidate, then a follow up question and answer session.

Rail Camp Update #2

Posted on Oct 13 2024 - 8:28pm

Those scouts and adults attending Rail Camp, please be prepared to pay for the camp at Tuesday's meeting. We will be working on the final plans for rail camp at this meeting.

The cost for attending rail camp is $30 per person. This fee includes most food. The Troop did very well at the fund raiser a few weeks ago and the committee will be subsidizing the trip.

This Tuesday will be your last chance to sign up. Please be sure you are on the list! We are still looking for drivers to get the group to Spencer.


We now will turn our attention to the next adventure .... Rail Camp.

On October 18th we will travel to Spencer ,North Carolina where the North Carolina transportation museum will hold a camp on their property. Scouts will be able to work on the railroading merit badge, see many different kinds of rail equipment and take a ride on an actual train. Foe more information go to https://www.nctransportationmuseum.org/bsa-rail-camp/. We will need some help from parents on transportation for the camp. School is out on the 18th so we want to leave early if we can get folks that can get the day off. It's about a 4 hour drive and it would be nice is we could be there before 8 pm.This event is usually attended by 500 + scouts. Cost to attend is approximately $30 per person including food. We will get all of the details ironed out at this Tuesday's meeting.

Merit Badge opportunities

Posted on Sep 30 2024 - 3:23am

One of our scouts (Jack) has been working on a way to offer several merit badges to the Troop. He has been working with a certified counselor to offer salesmanship and public speaking merit badges. He is asking for scouts that are interested to go to the following link to sign up for the badges --

This is an "extra curricular" activity for our Troop and scouts do not have to participate. But it is an option and a great way to earn the badges.
Law merit badge will also be offered later (most likely after the first of the year).

Week of September 23rd

Posted on Sep 22 2024 - 8:13pm

We now will turn our attention to the next adventure .... Rail Camp.

On October 18th we will travel to Spencer ,North Carolina where the North Carolina transportation museum will hold a camp on their property. Scouts will be able to work on the railroading merit badge, see many different kinds of rail equipment and take a ride on an actual train. Foe more information go to https://www.nctransportationmuseum.org/bsa-rail-camp/. We will need some help from parents on transportation for the camp. School is out on the 18th so we want to leave early if we can get folks that can get the day off. It's about a 4 hour drive and it would be nice is we could be there before 8 pm.This event is usually attended by 500 + scouts. Cost to attend is approximately $30 per person including food. We will get all of the details ironed out at this Tuesday's meeting.

This Tuesday is a  Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting at 5:30pm at the Church. If you are on the PLC please plan on attending if at all possible.

During the regular meeting we will continue conferences and boards for those that are ready to advance.

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